I didn't bike commute at all last week, but I took my Schwinn LeTour III fixed gear conversion with me each day and rode at lunch. One of the nice things about having a pickup truck is I can leave the bike in the back and ride from different starting points.
This afternoon I rode from home out to the Van Zile bridge on my fixie. I've been riding it more lately than my Tricross.

It's fun to ride, but it's a much different ride. The frame is very comfortable, but the saddle, well, it sucks. It was the saddle that came with my Tricross, which I promptly replaced. I need to wrap the handlebars - I have the tape, but want to put something under the wrap to make the bars more comfortable. Thanks to
Myles, I think I'll use old innertubes for the base wrap, then put the other tape I have over the top.
On the way home, I passed this hot air balloon taking off from the park in Leo.

I like winter, but I really miss the warm weather. Not quite used to putting on layers to bike.
Anyway, hope all of you out there are having good rides!
Good looking fixie. My next bike when I finish my commuter? Hmmmm.
Yes, having a good ride and a good life.
Hey, good lookin' bike! You're using yours more just as I'm putting mine away. Look at that head tube! It is huge! Big Oak must actually be quite big!
Actually, I'm "amply proportioned" both height wise and weight wise. I usually find most things in my life to be too small for me (long sleeve shirts, jackets, etc) but you know, the Kuwahara bike I found this summer is actually too big for me. Even with the saddle all the way lowered and moved as far forward on the rails as possible, I can't make it comfortable. Oh, and when I stop, I have to be extra careful not to hurt myself on the top tube.
I love the color on the fixed gear. What was it about orange, in the 70s?
Jon, I don't know. That bike was just the right color when I bought it in '77, and it's still just the right color.
Layering up and riding outside beats the trainer anyday IMO
I like the color. Are you going to wrap over the inner tubes with cloth or cork tape?
Good lookin' bike. I really need to get my World Sport conversion going.
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