Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cedar Canyon Ride

On my ride today, I passed through Cedar Canyon, just north of Fort Wayne. It's not remarkable for any reason other than there are trees on both sides of the road for a mile. That's a rare thing in northern Indiana's farm country. Here's my first try at publishing a You Tube video.

I rode 27 miles outside today, while my Valentine rode the stationary bike today at the gym.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Food is Killing Us

When you have 22 minutes available, check out this video on Chubby Super Biker's site. It could help improve someone's life.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Church Commute

In my effort to ride my bike more, I decided today would be my first ride of the year to the meeting house. We have a few folks in the congregation who ride bikes on warm Sundays, but nobody has ridden in this winter.

It is interesting to note that one of the best riders in northeast Indiana showed up in service today. This was his first visit to our little congregation, so I was happy to give him a tour of our facility. I don't know if he'll come back, but he'll always be welcome.

On the way home, I passed by Indiana-Purdue University, Fort Wayne campus.

I couldn't help but ride onto the new pedestrian bridge over the St. Joe River to take a picture of my horse.

We've been in a snow drought for most of the winter, but looks like that may change this Tuesday, with "significant snow accumulation" forecast. We'll have to wait and see. The big snow that blanketed Washington DC two days ago passed well off to our south, so we only got a bit of snow and a bunch of wind.

Happy riding!