Alex and I dropped our daughter off at the parents of one of her friends yesterday morning. They (the parents) are escorting a group of kids to Florida for spring break. Alex and I went to breakfast, then I got on the bike at 11:00 am for a long bike ride.
I pass this house on my way to and from work - It's a cool looking home, but I wonder why they built it in the woods. The woods here are generally less than 40 acres, with crop land all around. Now people are dividing up the woods and building homes inside the woods. By the time they get grass established, trees start dying and they have a large hole in the woods.

This little guy hopped on my arm at the 6 mile mark, and stayed on until somewhere around the 30 mile mark when I turned directly into the strong headwind.

From the point I lost the little guy above, I rode another 25 miles straight into the wind. By the time I got here (the little town of Roanoke), I was pretty well beat.

I stopped by the gas station and bought some granola bars, Gatorade, and water, then hit the road again. This old iron bridge is still in place, southeast of town. It crosses the Little River, which flows into the Wabash River.

When I left Roanoke, I rode with a cross wind for the next 23 miles on this road. The wind was blowing hard enough that I had trouble getting blown around in the gusts, but this was much more preferable to riding directly into the wind. Oh, this road is also a part of Adventure Cycling Association's
Northern Tier Route. I turned north just before I got to Monroeville.

The road north was sweet - I had no problem cruising at 20 mph, and for a good long while I was riding at 23 mph! I snapped this photo as I passed through Maples - Maples is just a blip on the map where the road crosses a railroad track.

Pretty soon I passed just east of New Haven, and continued north riding at a magical pace.

When I got home, I had covered 97.5 miles, so I rode to the end of our road and back to make this my first century of the year.

I didn't post this yesterday since Alex had supper waiting for me, and after supper, well, I took the evening off.
I almost forgot, the Brooks saddle I got for Christmas is wonderful. After the long ride I had no soreness, and absolutely no numbness.
Happy riding!