Sunday, April 18, 2010

Another Club Ride

I did another club ride today, a 44 miler starting in New Haven. We headed over to Woodburn, then up to Grabill, then back down to New Haven. I purposely didn't take the camera again, because my past experiences with club rides have had me desperately gripping the handlebars and pedaling with every bit of energy I could muster. Today was a different story - I had plenty of energy, and was near the front of the pack all the way. I've been reading a little bit about nutrition, and that seems to have helped me. In addition, I'm putting in over 100 miles per week commuting, not including weekend rides. The thing I didn't expect was the people I normally ride with are toward the back of the pack and I enjoy riding with them.

After I got home, Alex and I took the dog to Metea Park and walked on the north side. Cedar Creek, here, divides the north side from the south side.

Spring is early here, and these forest tent caterpillars normally come out when the tree leaves are a little farther on. Back in June, 1990, these little buggers completely defoliated several thousand acres of forest land in northern Wisconsin.

I took photos of a few wildflowers blooming. This is a trillium.

Spring beauty.

The venerable Ohio Buckeye.

And redbud. This is the peak now for redbud trees. When we lived in northern Wisconsin, I really missed these trees.

Up close.

Happy riding!


Steve A said...

I don't know about those Buckeyes, but the rest of the photos are great. I do have one bit of advice - commuting is fine for whipping the club types, but do not confuse it for REAL race prep. And I DO want to hear about you trying cross next winter. You can't do much worse than me. Next year my goal is to finish ahead of TWO racers.

Oldfool said...

Next year my goal is to get out of bed everyday still alive for the whole year.

rlove2bike said...

Another club ride...Lucky ! ! Very nice pictures and as you know, we are a bit off from pictures like that.

jeff said...

Sounds like a fun ride, and great pics afterward!

GreenComotion said...

Very nice photos of nature! Ride on!!
Peace :)

Apertome said...

Sounds like a fun ride! I've started seeing Eastern Tent Caterpillars here, too. Nasty little buggers. They were everywhere during one of my S24Os in Pennsylvania.