I haven't gotten too many miles on my 86 Trek 500, though. I've got in my mind that this can be a primo rando bike, but I want to repaint it before I put new (new to me) components on it. I've picked up a Shimano triple crank and a Deore XT long-cage derailleur for the mighty and unending hills of southern Ohio. I can't find replacement decals for this, and I've finally decided I don't really need them anyway. So we'll see how this bike turns out as winter progresses.
I haven't gotten too many miles on y 81 Trek 710, either. I've been seriously thinking of turning this into a fixed gear commuter bike. The frame is a touch small for long rides, but is great for riding to work. Since my bike commute to work is only 3 miles, I'd like the simplicity of a fixie for quick, easy rides.
In April, I purchased this beauty. A new Trek Domane 5.2, and have put the vast bulk of my miles on this sweet beast. It weighs about as much as a pocket full of feathers. But it really moves!
These photos are from early in the season - I've replaced these Bontrager tires with Continental 4000s. While I like the Bontrager tires' ride, they aren't very durable. I had two blowouts (dime-sized!) on our bike club's Labor Day Century ride. Fortunately, the second blowout was only two miles from home - I had to walk the remainder since I used my spare tube after the first blowout.
I have nurtured my delusion that I am a fast biker by joining a race team our local bike club sponsored for one race in September. To my dismay, I was selected for the A-Team. But I should admit I was the anchor - I slowed everybody down. The guys on the team are all great people, and they helped me ride way beyond my ability.

Here we are - Second Place winners for the Huntington Team Challenge. Our team was second of 22 teams. We rode our butts off!
Aside from the many times I thought I would pass out and the constant, intense pain, I really enjoyed the whole experience - especially the training rides. The race was 26.7 miles which passed by in a flash.
I've been really fortunate this fall. Dr. Gary Painter, the current US National Time Trial Champion (55 - 59 age group) has asked me to ride with him in his pain cave. While these sessions are pretty intense, they are helping to make me a stronger rider.
I've never ridden this fast in my life. Not even when I was in really good shape, doing triathlons back in the 1980's.
No quality blogs, however. I've neglected this blog for the sweet, instant gratification Facebook offers. I've joined Facebook groups for our local bike club and for the Ohio Randonneurs.
Anyway, I'll try to do a better job of keeping in touch. I often times think of how all of you are doing out there in bike land.
Happy riding!