The fellow from whom I purchased her was quite knowledgeable about bikes, and had several bikes of his own. That helped me feel a little bit better about buying another bike. He was not asking very much for this bike, which helped me feel even better (my two new Schwalbe Marathon tires cost more than I paid for this bike). The owner wanted to make sure this bike went to a good home, which I promised I'd give her.
Look at the gleam in her rims!
Fortunately, I had a cushy saddle, which I promptly installed when I got home.
Life is good.
Nice! I didn't inspire you, did I?
I have a new seat on the way for my old Schwinn as well.
Nice bike! Those bars are the way to go.
Doohickie, yes you did inspire me, thanks to your Schwinn Varsity. Your bike made me reminisce about my old Schwinn Collegiate, RIP. I just got back from a ride to the park with my daughter. It is a sweet ride! Not a tight ride like my Specialized or my Trek, but old Schwinns have their own particular feel. That old steel frame is very comfortable.
I will admit that I've changed out the clunky GT100 rear derailleur for a Suntour AR that came from a 1984 Schwinn, but other than that and the handlebars, it's pretty much original.
I like it...time to start my collection too!
Be careful, 331 Miles, could be addicting!
"could be addicting..." I think I've pretty much proven the addictive quality of bikes (pedal and motor).
Congrats. I like to see these old bikes saved from the basement and put back into useful life. It doesn't hurt that they are actually fun to ride.
Yes, Jon, you provided inspiration also, especially re the "addicting" part (I recall your iteration of all of the different styles of bikes you can build).
As far as addicting things, I figure bikes are the way to go! (Maybe coffee is ok too).
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