I discovered something cool. If you like a particular car, have someone take your picture while you are standing next to it with your bike. Then, when other people see the photo, they ask, "wow, nice car, is that yours?" If you don't want to lie, make sure at least a little of your car is in the photo, or change the subject right away. Of course, it helps to not tell people about this trick and then show the photo.
Despite the wind and the hills, I managed to average 15 mph, which is good for me. The last 5 miles was directly into the headwind with roller coaster hills, so I was especially glad to see the water tower which was next to the school where we started.
wow thats really good riding.
There is nothing "balmy" about 55 degrees. It's 65* here now and we are cold.
Balmy is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. Finally going to hit 90, here, today! Woo-hoo!
Of course, the weekend forecast is for rain and mid-60s.
I was actually being sarcastic. We've been enjoying 70 degree weather for the past week. This weekend was chilly.
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