I've been riding fairly consistently since Jan. 1 (at least 2-3 times per week), but my longest ride before yesterday was 56 miles. I did 71 miles yesterday and felt amazingly good, but I am concerned how I'll feel this Sunday, the second day of the Tour of the Scioto River Valley in Ohio. I rode northwest of Fort Wayne into the hills for most of the route, but did feel really tired when I got home. The TOSRV route is supposed to be flat with a few gentle hills. I'm looking forward to going and seeing all the people.
Bike wise, I'm still confined to the Trek for riding (except for my Schwinn fixed gear, which I ride only short distances). I ordered a rim for my Specialized Tri Cross only to realize the hub from my original wheel had too few holes.
So I ordered a new hub. The new hub was for a front wheel, not the rear wheel like I needed. So I ordered a complete wheel from Peter White Cycles, hub spokes and all and making sure to tell them I needed a REAR wheel.
I went ahead and bought the front hub anyway, since I already bought the rim a couple of weeks earlier. I'll build the front wheel tonight or tomorrow night, then when my new rear wheel arrives, I'll have a completely new set for the Tri Cross.
One thing I like about the Tri Cross is it is that it's very comfortable to ride long distances. My hands are still sore from riding the Trek yesterday and I believe it's from the thin, relatively non-spongy tape I put on. I don't wear cycling gloves, so I can't blame them. Also the Trek is much more upright so that much of my weight is borne by my hands and arms.
I couldn't complain about the weather though - 68 degrees, full sun and no wind!
Great riding there...your doing really well
Thanks Phil, it's folks like you who keep me inspired.
68 degrees? I'd be freezing.
Here I go again with senior moments. I forgot to mention that I love old barns. I wonder if anyone lives in that one. I use to have a book about old barns that just fascinated me. I need to find it again but that was in another life so may take some time. I think the guy that did the book bought a boat and went south.
Put some cork tape on those bars and then slap on some shellac.
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